Methacton High School & Arcola Intermediate School

Methacton High School & Arcola Intermediate School

Methacton High School & Arcola Intermediate School

Methacton Warriors

Methacton High School & Arcola Intermediate School

Girls Arcola 7th Soccer

Team News
Game Summaries (0)

No team summary for this season.

News (8)

No practice today (10/22) or tomorrow (10/23)

Updated on 06/10/2022

There will be no practice on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week.  The girls need to rest up and catch up on homework.  See you all Thursday.


Coaches Boyles and Maher

New game - Upper Merion Away

Updated on 06/10/2022

There is a new game added to the schedule on 10/28. It is away at Upper Merion Middle School- Departure time is 2:35 with an approximate return time of 5:00.

5:00 Athlete Pick up

Updated on 06/10/2022

Hello Arcola Girls Soccer,

We are asking that you park in the parking spaces in the front of the school when picking your daughter up from soccer practice at 5:00.  We ask this for the safety of all the athletes.  When cars are parked along the curb, the athletes have to walk out between the cars which can be very dangerous for them. 


Thank you for adhering to this policy.

Ron Schnabel

Arcola Athletic Liaison




2013 8th Grade Girls Team Roster

Updated on 06/10/2022

 Ladies, here is the list you have all been waiting for.  If you haven't made the team, the cross country team has extended an invitation to you to join that team.  Thank you all for your effort.

Sincerely, Coach Boyles

Sarah Alverez
Avery Bilicic
Sonya Boyle
Julie Byrne
Andrea Castaneda
Elizabeth Cotteta
Lauren Eubank
Taylor Foley
Alexis Laconi
Erin Mahoney
Caitlyn McClure
Erin McKelvey
Peri Newman
Olivia Pennypacker
Devon Rostick

E-mail List

Updated on 06/10/2022

If you are getting this e-mail and your girl is not in 7th or 8th grade, you need to remove yourself from the e-mail list on the website.

I sent this out already, but I didn't e-mail blast it.  I'm extending tryouts until Wednesday 9/11.  I will post/email a team roster after that.  If someone does not make the team, the cross country coach has offered to accept anyone who wants to join.

Coach Boyles

Thank you for a great season!

Updated on 06/10/2022

Coach Boyles and Coach Maher would like to thank everyone for the 2013 Arcola Girls Soccer Season.  There was a lot of inspiring soccer played and many fond memories created.  We also want to thank the many team supporters that came to so many of the games.  It adds a level of excitement for everyone when family and friends are cheering from the sidelines.

We look forward to seeing the 7th grade team next year and hope to see many of the 8th graders at the high school in 2014. We wish you all the best!

Brief players and parents meeting with the High School coaches after 10/30 game!

Updated on 06/10/2022


There will be a brief meeting after the 8th grade Arcola game this Wednesday, 10/30 with the Methacton High School coaches to discuss high school soccer, including optional indoor workouts over the winter, and the starting date for the 2014 Fall season.  Please try and have a parent present as well!

Winter sports recertification packets

Updated on 06/10/2022

Hello parents,

Your son or daughter participated in a fall sport.  If they are interested in trying out for a winter sport (girls' basketball, boys basketball, wrestling), all they need is recertification packet, filled out by you.  This packet is entirely blue and can be picked up from the athletic table outside of room 281.  It will soon be on the Arcola Athletics website.

Your son or daughter already had their imPACT concussion test completed for the fall season.  They do not need to redo it for the winter season.

You already paid the athletic fee for the school.  You do not need to pay this fee again this year.

I hope this helps direct you towards the winter season.

Ron Schnabel