No team summary for this season.
Winter sports recertification packets
Updated on 06/10/2022
Hello parents,
Your son or daughter participated in a fall sport. If they are interested in trying out for a winter sport (girls' basketball, boys basketball, wrestling), all they need is recertification packet, filled out by you. This packet is entirely blue and can be picked up from the athletic table outside of room 281. It will soon be on the Arcola Athletics website.
Your son or daughter already had their imPACT concussion test completed for the fall season. They do not need to redo it for the winter season.
You already paid the athletic fee for the school. You do not need to pay this fee again this year.
I hope this helps direct you towards the winter season.
Ron Schnabel
Arcola Field Hockey Try-outs
Updated on 06/10/2022
Arcola field hockey try-outs will be held on Wednesday September 4, 2013 for 7th grade and Friday September 6, 2013 for 8th grade. All sports physicals and forms must be complete in order to participate NO EXCEPTIONS. Listen for announcements on the first day of school. Questions should be directed to Lynn Gureck