No team summary for this season.
Tomorrow's Varsity and JV Match
Updated on 06/10/2022
The following golfers should report outside the main gym at the HS for the away varsity match no later than 1:50pm Brandon Vance Kyle Vance Dan Rieger Zach Feaster Jeff Handwerk Mike Foley Corey Betham Nick Frassenei The following JV Players should arrive at Skippack by 2:30 TJ Adam Gunner John Thyda Connor Colin Harvey
Reminder: Car Wash this Sunday June 1st
Updated on 06/10/2022
Reminder: The car wash is being held this Sunday from 1-4 pm Details Below:
Where: Shell station at the corner of Ridge Pike and Valley Forge Rd. from 1:00-4:00
When: Sunday June 1st
What: Supports the "Vance Benefit Fund"
Please bring: buckets, small rags, and large drying towels.
> They need to know that this is a fundraiser sponsored by the Methacton Golf Team but all funds will go to "The Vance Benefit Fund"
Please wear your golf shirts, but not mandatory.
Please bring an extra old t-shirt as well.
Reminder: School Board Meeting Tonight
Updated on 06/10/2022
Important Reminder: The Varsity Golf Team will be honored by Senator Rafferty tonight at the school board meeting at 7pm. We will be first to go so please arrive by 6:45, we may leave immediately afterwards.
Pre Season Meeting Rescheduled
Updated on 06/10/2022
The preseason meeting is rescheduled for Thursday May 29th at 2:30pm in Room A235.
Pre-Season Meeting
Updated on 06/10/2022
We will be having a brief meeting regarding important dates for the upcoming 2014 season. The meeting will be held in Room A235 immediately after school on Wednesday May 21st. If you cannot attend please see Mr. Flanagan for a packet.
Car Wash
Updated on 06/10/2022
Hi Everyone,
Just a reminder that our Car Wash is scheduled for June 1st from 1-4pm. More details will follow at our meeting this coming Wed. the 21st after school. Please listen to the announcements in the morning
5K Fundraiser
Updated on 06/10/2022
Hello Everyone,
I am attaching a flyer for a 5k/1mile fun run/walk to benefit the Vance Family. The fundraiser is being run by a friend of the Vance's and it would be great if you could come out if available.
All 2013 Varsity Players
Updated on 06/10/2022
Senator Rafferty would like to present the members of the 2013 Varsity Golf Team with a citation for our season this past year. The ceremony will take place during the May 27th school board meeting. Please let me know if you are unable to attend. Thanks
Thank you!
Updated on 06/10/2022
Thank you to everyone that participated in a great day on Saturday. Whether you were golfing or just helping I was overwhelmed by the support that all of you have shown. Thanks again
Coach Flanagan and Ford
Saturday's Golf Outing
Updated on 06/10/2022
Hello Everyone,
Please let me know your availability for this Saturday's Golf Outing. They are still in need for some help with volunteers (if you are not already playing). Looks like it will be a great day!
Golf Outing
Updated on 06/10/2022
Please join us on Saturday April 26th for a benefit golf outing for the Vance Family. If you are unaware, Mr. Vance is now recovering from treatment due to a rare blood disorder. The information for the outing is below and I would like to get as much support for the outing as possible from the golf team. We would like to get as many golfers as possible, so please consider a great day of golf and/or dinner. Thanks
Phone inquires contact Dave Gey (610) 587-2254 or Steve Irvin (610) 329-6018
Baggers’ Vance Golf Benefit
The Baggers’ Vance Golf Benefit was conceived by friends and neighbors of Jeff and Sue Vance to provide a helping hand to this wonderful family during a difficult time. Jeff was diagnosed with amyloidosis, a condition requiring a bone marrow transplant and a long recovery period of six to eight months. Jeff and Sue operate a home improvement business and this long period for recovery will put a strain on family finances. The three Vance sons, Ryan, Brandon and Kyle, are champion golfers, so what better way to help this family than a benefit golf tournament! Please join with us in this worthy cause. Thanks!
Place: Shannondell Golf Course Date: Saturday April 26, 2014 Rain or shine
Time: 12:00 Registration 1:00 PM Shotgun start Non-golfers register by 5:30PM
Cost: $125 includes golf, food and beverages. Also includes donation to the Baggers’ Vance Fund.
Non- golfing friends may join the fun for the meal and silent auction for $50. 50/50 and basket raffles
will be held. Checks payable to “Baggers’ Vance Golf Benefit” and send below information and checks
by April 11 to: Ellin Jones - P.O. Box 275, Lederach, PA 19450 -
If you plan to participate in this event, please return the following information and registration fee.
Golfer #1 _______________________________________ email ___________________________
Golfer #2 _______________________________________ email ___________________________
Golfer #3 _______________________________________ email ___________________________
Golfer #4 _______________________________________ email ___________________________
Singles (we will place you in a foursome)
Golfer ________________________________________ email ___________________________
Non-golfers _____________________________________ email ___________________________
Please consider sponsoring a hole for $100. Tournament sponsors are available for $1000. All proceeds
go to the Baggers’ Vance Fund to support the Vance family. Contact Ellin Jones. (info above)
Update to Car Wash
Updated on 06/10/2022
The date of the Car Wash is Sunday June 1st, not Saturday. Thanks
Golf Team Car Wash
Updated on 06/10/2022
Hello All,
The golf team will be running a car wash on Saturday June 1st from 1-4pm. Please block out that date as I am looking for 100% participation. More details to follow.
Golf All - League
Updated on 06/10/2022
Congratulations to the following Methacton Golfers for receiving All-League Honors:
1st Team: Brandon Vance, Kyle Vance, Dan Rieger
2nd Team: Mike Foley
Honorable Mention: Corey Betham, Zach Feaster
To have six golfers place on all league out of a total 20 spots available is amazing! Great job guys.
Team Picture for yearbook
Updated on 06/10/2022
This Friday I need everyone to come to my room A235 at the beginning of period 4 with their golf shirt on. The yearbook needs a Varsity and JV picture.
Post-season Meeting
Updated on 06/10/2022
To all JV and Varsity golfers:
There will be a brief but important meeting on Wed. October 30 at 2:30pm in room A235. Please bring a pencil.
Team schedule for States
Updated on 06/10/2022
Hello All,
The team is scheduled to play on Wed. October 23rd. at 8:30am. Practice rounds are available after the individual rounds on Monday and Tuesday. The school has currently reserved two rooms at the Hampton Inn in York PA. If we need more please let me know.
Varsity Golf Schedule
Updated on 06/10/2022
The Team Qualifiers will be practicing on Monday and Wednesday next week October 14th and 16th, immediately after school.
Varsity Golf Wins District 1 Title
Updated on 06/10/2022
Congratulations to the Methacton Golf Team for winning the District 1 Golf Championship. This is the team's first District title and Methacton is the first PAC10 school to accomplish this feat. The team was led by the District 1 Individual Champion Kyle Vance who shot a 4 under par 68. Brandon Vance another Regional Qualifier shot a 2 under 70. The team was rounded out by Dan Rieger 74, Corey Betham 79 and Mike Foley 80.
The team will now compete in the State Championship on October 23rd.
Varsity Golf Completes Perfect Regular Season with PAC 10 Title
Updated on 06/10/2022
The Varsity Golf Team completed its 2nd ever undefeated season in the PAC 10 by defeating Owen J Roberts
187-188 in the Championship Match. The team was led by:
Kyle Vance 35, Brandon Vance 36, Dan Rieger 38, Mike Foley 39, and Zach Feaster 39, Corey Betham 40, Nick Frassenei 42 Jeff Handwerk 43
Methacton Qualifies Six Golfers for Districts
Updated on 06/10/2022
On a tough day at Gilbertsville Golf Course, Methacton's Golf team qualified six individuals for the District One Golf Tournament in two weeks. Dan Rieger and Zach Feaster gained a ticket to Districts by scoring par on the first playoff hole. Corey Betham shot a 9 over par 80, while fellow senior Mike Foley finished with an 8 over 79. Kyle Vance finished in a tie for second with a score of 77, and Brandon Vance defended his individual title by taking home the prize this year with a 4 over 75. Congratulations to all that participated in the League tournament. Seniors Nick Frassenei and Jeff Handwerk carded 87 and 90 respectively while the lone girl golfer Thyda Tum carded a 110.
Varsity Match 9/10
Updated on 06/10/2022
The following golfers are playing tomorrow at Kimberton. Dismissal time is 1:45
Brandon Vance
Mike Foley
Dan Rieger
Kyle Vance
Corey Betham
Nick Frassenei
Adam Duca
Zach Feaster
JV and Varsity Golf Practice cancelled today August 28th
Updated on 06/10/2022
Practice is canceled today. Please check back after 3:30pm to find out who will be playing in tomorrow's JV and Varsity matches.
2013 Methacton Golf Team
Updated on 06/10/2022
Thank you to all those that participated in try-outs over the last three days. Congratulations to the following individuals for making the team: (Please arrive at Skippack by 1pm for practice tomorrow)
Corey Betham
TJ Cinelli
?Adam Duca
Zach Feaster
Mike Foley
Nick Frassenei
Jeff Handwerk
Gunner Gale
Connor McCaffrey
?Devon McGinn
John McGrory
?Colin Rafferty
Max Rennie
Dan Rieger
Harvey Smith
Matt Thompson
Thyda Tum
Brandon Vance
Kyle Vance
JV and Varsity Golf Tryouts
Updated on 06/10/2022
Tryouts for the 2013 Golf Team will be held at Skippack Golf Course starting
Monday August 12th at 1:00pm. Please bring all physical and eligibility forms with you. We will use this time slot on Tues and Wed. as well.